But, KAK, pregnancies are covered under regular health insurance.
Nope, they're not, not for those of us who are individually insured. It is an option that costs significantly more, upwards of $100/month more. Prior to the Pre-Existing Condition expiration in 2014, if I don't have pregnancy coverage before I am pregnant, all well-mother/well-fetus exams and treatments will not be covered by my insurance company. Whether I'll be able to get coverage in 2014 if I am surprised by a pregnancy remains to be known.
Remember, kiddies, only abstinence is 100% effective.
Well, that and chat room masturbation.
Okay, I understand, my government views my body as a community vessel -- that's a hotbed of contention for another forum -- in the meantime, could we, as a nation, stop for just a moment and consider the point beyond conception yet before arrival?
Could we, you know, care about the vessel?
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